Lakxmi Subramanian, PhD
Former Graduate Student (PhD)
[Nakamura Lab: May, 2007 - July, 2014]
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Lakxmi Subramanian's Publications from Nakamura lab. Heading link
Publications from Nakamura Lab:
1. Subramanian, L., Moser, B.A., Nakamura, T.M. (2008)
Recombination-based telomere maintenance is dependent on Tel1-MRN and Rap1, and inhibited by telomerase, Taz1 and Ku in fission yeast.
2. Moser, B.A., Subramanian, L., Chang, Y.-T., Noguchi, C., Noguchi, E., Nakamura, T.M. (2009)
Differential arrival of leading and lagging strand DNA polymerases at fission yeast telomeres.
EMBO J. 28: 810-820.
[Have you seen…? article by C.M. Price] [evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
Differential arrival of leading and lagging strand DNA polymerases at fission yeast telomeres.
EMBO J. 28: 810-820.
[Have you seen…? article by C.M. Price] [evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
3. Moser, B.A., Subramanian, L., Khair, L., Chang, Y.-T. and Nakamura, T.M. (2009)
Fission yeast Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR promote telomere protection and telomerase recruitment.
[evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
4. Khair, L., Subramanian, L., Moser, B.A. and Nakamura, T.M. (2010)
Roles of heterochromatin and telomere proteins in regulation of fission yeast telomere recombination and telomerase recruitment.
5. Subramanian, L. and Nakamura, T.M. (2010)
A kinase-independent role for the Rad3ATR-Rad26ATRIP complex in recruitment of Tel1ATM to telomeres in fission yeast.
6. Khair, L., Chang, Y.-T., Subramanian, L., Russell, P. and Nakamura, T.M. (2010)
Roles of the checkpoint sensor clamp Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 (911)-complex and the clamp loaders Rad17-RFC and Ctf18-RFC in Schizosaccharomyces pombe telomere maintenance.
7. Subramanian, L. and Nakamura, T.M. (2010)
To fuse or not to fuse: How do checkpoint and DNA repair proteins maintain telomeres? (Review)