Nakamura Lab Heading link
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Illinois at Chicago [Oct. 2004 – present]
2023 Heading link
40. Xu, Y.-J.*, Bhadra, S., Mahdi, A.T.A., Dev, K., Yurtsever, I., Nakamura, T.M.
Comprehensive mutational analysis of the checkpoint signaling function of Rpa1/Ssb1 in fission yeast.
PLoS Genet. 19(5):e1010691. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010691) [pdf]
2019 Heading link
39. Mennie, A.K., Moser, B.A., Hoyle, A., Low, R.S., Tanaka, K. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Tpz1TPP1 prevents telomerase activation and protects telomeres by modulating the Stn1-Ten1 complex in fission yeast.
Commun. Biol. 2:297. (doi:10.1038/s42003-019-0546-8) [pdf] [Supp. Data 1] [Supp. Data 2]
38. Xu, Y.-J.*, Khan, S., Didier, A.C., Wozniak, M., Liu, Y., Singh, A., and Nakamura, T.M.
A tel2 mutation that destabilizes the Tel2-Tti1-Tti2 (TTT) complex eliminates Rad3ATR kinase signaling in the DNA replication checkpoint and leads to telomere shortening in fission yeast.
Mol. Cell. Biol. 39(20):e00175-19. (doi:10.1128/MCB.00175-19) [pdf][Supp. 1] [Supp. 2][Supp. 3] [Supp. 4]
37. Noguchi, C., Singh, T., Ziegler, M.A., Peake, J.D., Khair, L., Aza, A., Nakamura, T.M. and Noguchi, E.*
The NuA4 acetyltransferase and histone H4 acetylation promote replication recovery after topoisomerase I-poisoning.
Epigenetics Chromatin 12(1):24. (doi:10.1186/s13072-019-0271-z) [pdf]
2018 Heading link
36. Matmati, S., Vaurs, M., Escandell, J.M., Maestroni, L., Nakamura, T.M., Ferreira, M.G., Géli, V.* and Coulon, S.*
The fission yeast Stn1-Ten1 complex limits telomerase activity via its SUMO-interacting motif and promotes telomeres replication.
Science Adv. 4(5): eaar2740. (doi:10.1126/sciadv.aar2740) [pdf]
35. Mennie, A.K., Moser, B.A. and Nakamura, T.M.*
LARP7-like protein Pof8 regulates telomerase assembly and poly(A)+TERRA expression in fission yeast.
Nature Commun. 9(1): 586. (doi:10.1038/s41467-018-02874-0) [pdf] [Supp. Data 1]
2017 Heading link
34. Nie, M., Moser, B.A., Nakamura, T.M. and Boddy, M.N.*
SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase activity can either suppress or promote genome instability, depending on the nature of the DNA lesion.
PLoS Genet. 13(5): e1006776. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006776) [pdf]
[evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
2016 Heading link
33. Gadaleta, M.C., Das, M.M., Tanizawa, H., Chang, Y.-T., Noma, K.I., Nakamura, T.M. and Noguchi, E.*
Swi1Timeless prevents repeat instability at fission yeast telomeres.
PLoS Genet. 12(3): e1005943. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005943) [pdf]
2015 Heading link
32. Moser, B.A., Raguimova, O.N. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Ccq1-Tpz1TPP1 interaction facilitates telomerase and SHREC association with telomeres in fission yeast.
Mol. Biol. Cell 26(21): 3857-3866. (doi:10.1091/mbc.E15-07-0531) [pdf]
31. Audry, J., Maestroni, L., Delagoutte, E., Gauthier, T., Nakamura, T.M., Gachet, Y., Saintome, C., Géli, V.* and Coulon, S.*
RPA prevents G-rich structure formation at lagging-strand telomeres to allow maintenance of chromosome ends.
EMBO J. 34(14): 1942-1958. (doi:10.15252/embj.201490773) [pdf]
2014 Heading link
30. Harland, J.L., Chang, Y.-T., Moser, B.A. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Tpz1-Ccq1 and Tpz1-Poz1 interactions within fission yeast shelterin modulate Ccq1 Thr93 phosphorylation and telomerase recruitment.
PLoS Genet. 10(10): e1004708. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004708) [pdf]
29. Miyagawa, K., Low, R.S., Santosa, V., Tsuji, H., Moser, B.A., Fujisawa, S., Harland, J.L., Raguimova, O.N., Go, A., Ueno, M., Matsuyama, A., Yoshida, M., Nakamura, T.M.* and Tanaka, K.*
SUMOylation regulates telomere length by targeting Tpz1TPP1 to modulate shelterin-Stn1 interaction in fission yeast.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 111(16): 5950-5955. (doi:10.1073/pnas.1401359111) [pdf]
28. Moser, B.A., Chang, Y.-T. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Telomere regulation during cell cycle in fission yeast. (Protocol / Book chapter)
Methods Mol. Biol. 1170:411-424. (doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-0888-2_22) [pdf]
2013 Heading link
27. Chang, Y.-T., Moser, B.A. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Fission yeast shelterin regulates DNA polymerases and Rad3ATR kinase to limit telomere extension.
PLoS Genet. 9(11): e1003936. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003936) [pdf]
2012 Heading link
26. Garabedian, M.V., Noguchi, C., Ziegler, M.A., Das, M.M., Singh, T., Harper, L.J., Leman, A.R., Khair, L., Moser, B.A., Nakamura, T.M. and Noguchi, E.*
The double-bromodomain factors Bdf1 and Bdf2 modulate chromatin structure to regulate S-phase stress response in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Genetics 190: 487-500. (doi:10.1534/genetics.111.135459) [pdf]
2011 Heading link
25. Moser, B.A., Chang, Y.-T., Kosti, J. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR kinases promote Ccq1-Est1 interaction to maintain telomeres in fission yeast.
Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 18: 1408-1413. (doi:10.1038/nsmb.2187) [pdf]
[evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
2010 Heading link
24. Carneiro, T., Khair, L., Reis, C.C., Borges, V., Moser, B.A., Nakamura, T.M. and Ferreira, M.G.*
Telomeres avoid end detection by severing the checkpoint signal transduction pathway.
Nature 467(7312): 228-232. (doi:10.1038/nature09353) [pdf]
[evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
23. Jain, D., Hebden, A.K., Nakamura, T.M., Miller, K.M. and Cooper, J.P.*
HAATI survivors replace canonical telomeres with blocks of generic heterochromatin.
Nature 467(7312): 223-227. (doi:10.1038/nature09374) [pdf]
22. Subramanian, L. and Nakamura, T.M.*
To fuse or not to fuse: How do checkpoint and DNA repair proteins maintain telomeres? (Review)
Front. Biosci. 15: 1105-1118. (doi:10.2741/3664) [pdf]
21. Khair, L., Chang, Y.-T., Subramanian, L., Russell, P. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Roles of the checkpoint sensor clamp Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 (911)-complex and the clamp loaders Rad17-RFC and Ctf18-RFC in Schizosaccharomyces pombe telomere maintenance.
Cell Cycle 9(11): 2237-2248. (doi:10.4161/cc.9.11.11920) [pdf]
20. Subramanian, L. and Nakamura, T.M.*
A kinase-independent role for the Rad3ATR-Rad26ATRIP complex in recruitment of Tel1ATM to telomeres in fission yeast.
PLoS Genet. 6(2): e1000839. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000839) [pdf]
19. Khair, L., Subramanian, L., Moser, B.A. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Roles of heterochromatin and telomere proteins in regulation of fission yeast telomere recombination and telomerase recruitment.
J. Biol. Chem. 285(8): 5327-5337. (doi:10.1074/jbc.M109.078840) [pdf]
2009 Heading link
18. Moser, B.A., Subramanian, L., Khair, L., Chang, Y.-T. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Fission yeast Tel1ATM and Rad3ATR promote telomere protection and telomerase recruitment.
PLoS Genet. 5(8): e1000622. (doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000622) [pdf]
[evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
17. Moser, B.A. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Protection and replication of telomeres in fission yeast. (Review)
Biochem. Cell Biol. 87(5): 747-758. (doi:10.1139/O09-037) [pdf]
16. Moser, B.A., Subramanian, L., Chang, Y.-T., Noguchi, C., Noguchi, E. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Differential arrival of leading and lagging strand DNA polymerases at fission yeast telomeres.
EMBO J. 28(7): 810-820. (doi:10.1038/emboj.2009.31) [pdf]
[“Have you seen…?” by C.M. Price] [evaluated by Faculty of 1000]
2008 Heading link
15. Subramanian, L., Moser, B.A. and Nakamura, T.M.*
Recombination-based telomere maintenance is dependent on Tel1-MRN and Rap1, and inhibited by telomerase, Taz1 and Ku in fission yeast.
Mol. Cell. Biol. 28(5): 1443-1455. (doi:10.1128/MCB.01614-07) [pdf]
14. Ansbach, A.B., Noguchi, C., Klansek, I.W., Heidlebaugh, M., Nakamura, T.M. and Noguchi, E.*
RFCCtf18 and the Swi1-Swi3 complex function in separate and redundant pathways required for the stabilization of replication forks to facilitate sister chromatid cohesion in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Mol. Biol. Cell 19(2): 595-607. (doi:10.1091/mbc.E07-06-0618) [pdf]